Accurate distance measurements are vital to industries such as construction, mining and civil planning. That is Afgen supplies our customers with disto distance meters to quickly and accurately acquire measurements.
Previously Untapped Measurement Options
Whether you need to measure the point-to-point distances, horizontal distances or even angles, with the right survey instrument (like the Leica DISTO™ D510) it is all possible. The Leica DISTO™ D510 is also capable of gathering indirect measurements. This is especially useful when attempting to acquire measurements in settings where there is no reflective target point, and thus cannot be measured by conventional lasers.
Overcoming Adverse Lighting
Modern survey equipment is also better able to overcome adverse light conditions. For example, where older generation digital distance meters were limited to indoor use or use in during the darker hours of night and day, modern disto technology is able to provide the added advantage of sunny weather measurements.
Height Profile Measurements
Disto lasers are also able to effectively display the distances and height differences to established reference points. This allows for quicker, easier profile measurements, as well as a means of checking whether floors and beams are level and straight.