- Description
This GNSS Post processing software makes your job: quick, easy and efficient.
“EZSurv™ is GNSS post-processing software that provides a reliable and efficient RTK offline solution to improve the accuracy of your survey or GIS data. Compatible with industry standards, EZSurv™ is a straightforward, user-friendly solution that offers 4 processing modes and many unique features.” – PENTAX
GNSS Post Processing Software from PENTAX has the following functions and features:
PKK Processing and Mapping Data Collection
Mapping data collection sounds simple enough and it’s processing complex, now they can be achieved using this state of the art software by anyone, anywhere. With all of its additional features it takes professionals into and out of the field quickly to help them efficiently process highly accurate data.
Drone Compatibility via Precise PPK Positioning
Much of the GNSS Post Process Software on the market is not compatible with everything else used in the professions that make use of them most often, like land surveyors. EZSURV™ GNSS Post-Processing Software is compatible with many drones and the PPK Positioning systems they make use of. You will not be forced to buy a new drone and learn to fly it before applying EZSURV™ GNSS Post-Processing Software’s features in your everyday activities.
Harmoniously Works with Field Survey Software
GNSS Post Process Software allows professionals to use this new software with the field software they are already trained to use proficiently. This means adding one element doesn’t mean the entire GNSS Post Process you have in place needs to change in order to implement EZSURV™ GNSS Post-Processing Software. The highly compatible nature of this software paired with its frequent updates to ensure accuracy is never compromised which is what makes it one of the bestselling GNSS Post-Processing Software solutions on the market.
New features:
- Add support for GMS (GeoMobileSolution) files from BAP Precision.
- Add several new base providers.
- Add some new predefined mapping systems.
- Add support for Carlson SurvCE 3.03 and 4.00.
- Add support for ArcGIS 10.2.
For more information visit the PENTAX Product Page or Download the Software. Once installed, contact us for a license to activate your product